Blue Star Fern

Phlebodium areum blue star

Blue Star Fern

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Likes slightly moist soil
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Put it in a semi-shady spot
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Repotting is not necessary
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The Phlebodium aureum blue star is the most popular descendant of the Phlebodium family. In nature, the plant grows in the tops of the trees in Florida's forests and marshes. In the wild, this plant can even grow up to one metre height. The Blue Star Fern – also called the Blue Rabbit's Foot Fern – owes its popularity to the finger-shaped branches and blue-green leaf colour. Nice fact: this beautiful fern also purifies the air!


Given the natural, moist-air environment in which the Blue Star Fern originally grows, it's important that this houseplant be placed in soil that is always kept slightly damp. When watering, make sure to pour water down the side of the plant, not into its centre. If the Blue Star Fern does not feel well, its leaves will turn yellow, indicating that it is time to refresh the soil.


The Blue Star Fern is not very picky when it comes to finding a suitable location. The only thing that it won't like is direct sunlight. So, for a splendid outcome, look for a suitable spot in the shade with a touch of indirect sunlight.


You need only repot the Phlebodium aureum when the plant has outgrown its pot. This is best done in the spring so that any damaged roots can have enough time to recover.

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Phlebodium areum blue star


Phlebodium areum blue star


Phlebodium areum blue star


Phlebodium areum blue star