Dog hobble

Leucothoe zeblid

Dog hobble

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The soil should be slightly moist
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Indoor or outdoor plant
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Easy to propagate from cuttings
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Plant information


The Leucothoe zeblid or dog hobble is a flowering shrub, which will brighten up your autumn and winter. The colourful leaves are a feast for the eyes in a dreary winter garden or in a pot on an autumn terrace. Some plants are at their top game in spring, but the dog hobble’s claret leaves and white flowers are a sight to behold in the wet and cold months of the year.


Regularly water the Leucothoe zeblid, keeping the soil evenly moist. Ensure good drainage of excess rain water. For the plant to keep its shape and to have more young shoots, annual pruning is recommended. Pruning should be done immediately after the flowering period.


Plant the Leucothoe zeblid in a sheltered spot in partial shade. If the soil retains enough moisture, the dog hobble will feel great in full sun as well. The more sun the plant captures, the more beautiful the changing leaf colours in winter.


The dog hobble should only be repotted when the plant outgrows its pot. The plant can also be propagated by cutting a piece off the existing plant in summer.