Monterey cypress

Cupressus macrocarpa

Monterey cypress

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Water your plant often
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Enjoys a bright spot without direct sunlight
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Can grow to be 2,5 metres tall, repotting is recommended
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Plant information


This Monterey cypress brings the relaxed Californian forest vibe straight into your living room. The plant has a calming, purely natural look that reminds us of long road trips and camping adventures in an old Volkswagen van. The cypress can grow up to be a full 2,5 metres tall, so make sure you give this big guy enough room to grow. In the summer time, the cypress is fine to hang out outside. With three of four of these large plants, you can even create your own backyard forest!


Water your plant often, about two to three times a week. Make sure the soil doesn’t dry out between watering sessions. Add some fertiliser once a month.


The Monterey cypress prefers a bright spot, a bit of shade is fine as well. The plant loves to be outdoors in the summer, but make sure not to place him in direct sunlight.


Because this cypress is a fast and tall grower, we recommend repotting the plant to a larger pot at least once a year, preferably in the spring.