Cactuses in your home: green, hip and summery
The finishing touch for every interior
Not only is the cactus a real hit in modern households; this plant is completely at home in almost every interior. Do you like the vintage look? Cactuses in your house create that atmosphere completely. The popularity of the cactus theme has a variety of reasons. This plant gives your home a green and "summery" look. Cactuses originally grew in the deserts and mountains of Africa and South America and that 'sunny' link is often made. But, did you know that this plant can also handle the cold? In addition, rest assured you can go on holiday without worrying about your plants.

Cactuses at home: the petable permanent greenery
The image of the cactus as a spiny, scary plant has long been obsolete. There are many cactus varieties that bloom beautifully with a little bit of love. Think, for example, of the Echinopsis, Lobivia, Mammillaria and Notocactus. Also in varieties without spikes, cactuses of all shapes and sizes are loved in the home. Whether you choose a cylindrical, spherical or hanging cactus plant, in the sun and in the shade, this plant gives endless pleasure. And don’t give them too much water! Because this hardy survivor can – certainly in the winter months – last for three months without a drop of moisture.
A fitting setting for a trendy plant
Of course, trendy plants deserve stylish accessories. Lovers of big cactuses will find a wide choice of pots in different shapes, colours and styles in the elho pure round and pure soft round collections. Note: If you take the pot outside, as soon as the weather becomes more pleasant, make sure you make holes in the bottom, so that the excess rainwater can drain away. We’ve also thought of the smaller cactuses in your home: especially for the mini-cactus there is the b.for diamond collection, with its beautiful shapes, luxurious coatings and varied colours!