
Medinilla magnifica


Requires a lot of care

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Make sure the soil is slightly moist
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Likes a warm environment
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Only repot if necessary
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The Medinilla magnifica is a beautiful and decorative plant. The plant originally inhabited the tropics of South-East Asia and the tropical regions of Africa. The Medinilla is an epiphyte, that is, an organism that lives on living trees and plants. The plant stems feel like cork and are strong enough to hold the leaves and the beautiful flowers.


This tropical surprise requires a fair amount of attention, but not in terms of water. The Medinilla loves slightly moist soil, but don't let a layer of water form in the pot. So no wet base.


If you want to get the most out of the Medinilla in all its beauty, place the plant in a warm spot with high humidity. Consider a warm greenhouse, conservatory, or veranda. The plant also does fine inside as long as the temperature is kept between 17 and 22 degrees. Select a bright spot for it.


Repot the Medinilla Magnifica only if strictly necessary. Do it in the spring, since the plant has more energy during this period. Damaged roots recover faster during this season.