Dragon Tree

Dracaena fragrans

Dragon Tree

Easy to care

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Does not require much water
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Place in a partially shaded spot
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Repot directly after purchase or in the spring
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Plant information


The Dragon Tree occurs naturally in exotic areas and tropical islands. The plant owes its name to its scarlet red resin, also called dragon's blood. In spite of its exotic background, the Dracaena adapts very well to a living room climate. This sturdy living room plant is resilient and requires little care.


Only water the Dracaena if the top of the soil feels dry. This plant requires little water - somewhat more in the summer than in the winter. Avoid a layer of water appearing at the bottom of the pot; root rot sets in if there is too much water. To prevent this, it is important to use hydro grains.


A shadowy spot or location where there is little light is no problem for the Dragon Tree. The plant requires at most 3 hours of sunlight per day. If you wish to place the Dracaena next to a window, start doing this in the winter; this accustoms the plant to direct sunlight.


Repot the Dracaena immediately after purchase or in the spring. In the spring damaged roots can recover faster. In order for the plant to remain healthy and retain its ornamental value, it is advisable to repot it into a larger pot once every two years.